

Imago Vision - Blockchain


Our policy is to focus on technological progress to offer our customers highly innovative and quality products, and to act as forerunners in the Brescia area. This time, we explored and deepened the world of the Blockchain. Let’s start!  The Blockchain is a combination of sophisticated protocols and algorithms for managing a database that is distributed among the Nodes of a network; it is a set of techniques that allows for a secure and immutable digital archive of data, which is called Transactions. The Nodes represent the participants in the Blockchain and consist of the servers and the software that implements the protocols.  The database, called Ledger, is divided into chronologically ordered and encrypted blocks. Each Node retains a copy of the entire Blockchain and, if authorized, verifies the validity of the newly entered data, groups them into a Block and nominates the latter for the network. It is then up to the remaining part of the network to consent to the inclusion of the new Block in the chain. The consensus is reached by majority vote (approval of 50% +1 of the Nodes). With this system, and thanks to other features of the Blockchain, including the use of digital signatures and encryption techniques, it becomes impossible to tamper with the contents of the blocks, which remain accessible to the network.  The Blockchains represent a significant step forward, since all the process takes place automatically, and without the need for a central authority to verify and authenticate the data stored in the Ledger. Furthermore, the identity of the network participants is anonymous, and each Node works independently. The widespread use of Blockchains is possible as Transactions can take different forms. Bitcoin, Smart Contract and online voting are just a few examples.  In our case, all inspected products will have tracings that can be accessed by all interested parties but cannot be modified or deleted. In this way, the Blockchains are a revolutionary guarantee against data manipulation and against counterfeiting of trademarks, also reducing administrative and infrastructure costs for certifications.  For more details, follow us on the site and participate in the next Blockchain course